kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr = -30371 kNSpOTNotPresentErr = -30370 kNSpInvalidParameterErr = -30369 kNSpInvalidGameRefErr = -30367 kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr = -30366 kNSpHostFailedErr = -30365 kNSpPipeFullErr = -30364 kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr = -30362 kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr = -30361 kNSpInitializationFailedErr = -30360 errFloatingWindowsNotInitialized = -5609 •called HideFloatingWindows or ShowFloatingWindows without calling InitFloatingWindows errWindowsAlreadyInitialized = -5608 •tried to call InitFloatingWindows twice, or called InitWindows and then floating windows errUserWantsToDragWindow = -5607 •if returned from TrackWindowProxyDrag, you should call DragWindow on the window errCorruptWindowDescription = -5606 •tried to load a corrupt window description (size or version fields incorrect) errUnrecognizedWindowClass = -5605 •tried to create a window with a bad WindowClass errWindowDoesNotHaveProxy = -5602 •tried to do something requiring a proxy to a window which doesn’t have a proxy errUnsupportedWindowAttributesForClass = -5601 •tried to create a window with WindowAttributes not supported by the WindowClass errInvalidWindowPtr = -5600 •tried to pass a bad WindowPtr argument kTXNNoMatchErr = -22008 kRunIndexOutofBoundsErr = -22007 kCannotSetAutoIndentErr = -22006 kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning = -22005 kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr = -22004 kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr = -22003 kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr = -22002 kTXNCannotAddFrameErr = -22001 kTXNEndIterationErr = -22000 errKCReadOnlyAttr = -25309 errKCNoStartupKeychain = -25308 errKCNoActiveKeychain = -25307 errKCNoSuchClass = -25306 errKCInvalidSearchRef = -25305 errKCInvalidItemRef = -25304 errKCNoSuchAttr = -25303 errKCDataTooLarge = -25302 errKCBufferTooSmall = -25301 errKCItemNotFound = -25300 errKCDuplicateItem = -25299 errKCInvalidCallback = -25298 errKCDuplicateCallback = -25297 errKCDuplicateKeychain = -25296 errKCInvalidKeychain = -25295 errKCNoSuchKeychain = -25294 errKCAuthFailed = -25293 errKCReadOnly = -25292 errKCNotAvailable = -25291 kISpListBusyErr = -30429 kISpDeviceActiveErr = -30428 kISpSystemActiveErr = -30427 kISpDeviceInactiveErr = -30426 kISpSystemInactiveErr = -30425 kISpElementNotInListErr = -30424 kISpElementInListErr = -30423 kISpBufferToSmallErr = -30422 kISpSystemListErr = -30421 kISpInternalErr = -30420 noIconDataAvailableErr = -2582 noSuchIconErr = -2581 invalidIconRefErr = -2580 fsmUnknownFSMMessageErr = -438 •unknown message passed to FSM fsmNoAlternateStackErr = -437 •no alternate stack for HFS CI fsmBadFSDVersionErr = -436 •FSM version incompatible with FSD fsmDuplicateFSIDErr = -435 •FSID already exists on InstallFS fsmBadFSDLenErr = -434 •FSD size incompatible with current FSM vers fsmBadFFSNameErr = -433 •Name length not 1 <= length <= 31 fsmBusyFFSErr = -432 •File system is busy, cannot be removed fsmFFSNotFoundErr = -431 •Foreign File system does not exist - new Pack2 could return this error too errFinderLastReserved = -15379 errFinderProgramLinkingMustBeOn = -15286 errFinderOnlyLockedItemsInTrash = -15285 •all the items (except folders) in the trash are locked errFinderLockedItemsInTrash = -15284 •there are some locked items in the trash errFinderVolumeNotFound = -15283 •more descriptive than what we get with nsvErr errFinderMustBeActive = -15282 errFinderFileSharingMustBeOn = -15281 errFinderPropertyDoesNotApply = -15280 errAEValueOutOfRange = -15279 errFinderBoundsWrong = -15278 errFinderNoInvisibleFiles = -15277 errFinderCorruptOpenFolderList = -15276 errFinderPropertyNowWindowBased = -15275 errFinderWindowWrongType = -15274 errFinderSharePointsCantInherit = -15273 errFinderUnknownUser = -15272 •Includes unknown group errFinderItemAlreadyInDest = -15271 •Move from folder A to folder A errFinderCantUseTrashedItems = -15270 errFinderCantMoveToAncestor = -15269 •Could also use errFinderCantMoveSource errFinderIncestuousMove = -15268 •Could just use errFinderCantMoveSource errFinderCantOverwrite = -15267 errFinderCantMoveSource = -15266 errFinderCantMoveToDestination = -15265 errFinderWindowMustBeListView = -15264 •RequireWindowInListView errFinderWindowMustBeIconView = -15263 •RequireWindowInIconView errFinderCannotPutAway = -15262 errFinderWindowNotOpen = -15261 errFinderIsBusy = -15260 kFBCnoSuchHit = -30532 kFBCbadSearchSession = -30531 kFBCindexDiskIOFailed = -30530 kFBCsummarizationCanceled = -30529 kFBCbadIndexFileVersion = -30528